Sleep Series – Part 6 – Technology

This is the final installment in my Sleep Series – thank you for reading along. I hope that you have learned something new and that you have put in to practice some of the tips that I’ve provided throughout this 6 part series.

Technology is a powerful thing and our cell phones can be used as a tool that HELPS to improve our sleep, not something that detracts from it. But to use your phone as a tool requires some discipline and it’s not always easy.

Here are a few tips to turn your cellphone into a tool that can help improve sleep instead of being something that keeps you up at night.

-Turn your phone on Do Not Disturb. With the sheer number of robo calls, this will help you to get uninterrupted sleep. If you are worried about missing a call, you can set your phone to ring through if the caller calls twice, or if you specify that a certain caller can break through the Do Not Disturb setting.

-Turn your phone to night mode or turn down the brightness so the blue light will not interfere with melatonin production.

-Keep the phone out of your room and purchase an actual alarm clock to wake you up.

-Download an app to track your sleep. I use Sleep Cycle and it breaks down when I fall asleep, how much sleep I get, if I snored, and my sleep regularity.

-Use an app that creates ambient noise to help promote deeper sleep. I like Sleep Sounds but there are a TON of sleep sound apps out there. Experiment with a few until you find the one you like.

How will you make technology work for you and your sleep?

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